“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” —Matthew 28:19-20
Carlos is EBC’s newest missionary. Carlos has been faithfully loving the body of Socorro De Lo Alto Baptist Church, a rural church in South Central Honduras near Siguatepeque, since 2010 He also teaches Hebrew and Expository Preaching at SEPE (Seminary for Expository Preaching), a Master’s Academy International Site.
You can write to encourage Carlos at or send mail to
c/o Carlos Aguilar
PO Box 199
Singuatepeque, Comayagua,
Honduras C.A
Sending Church: Dry Creek Bible Church, Belgrade, MT
Missionary-Pastor for the International Church of Wroclaw
Brett and Michelle have four grown and married children with four grandchildren. As of 2018, they have served 25 years with SEND International in Poland. After seeing the Lord use them in the establishment of a new Polish fellowship which was turned over to Polish leadership in 2011, Brett served as Area Director for SEND North Central Europe for five years.
As of January 2018 Brett is serving as missionary-pastor for the International Church of Wroclaw, INCW, which is a ministry of the First Baptist Polish Church in Wroclaw that reaches out to international students and business professionals that have poured into the city in the last ten years. It is the heart of Brett and Michelle to see the Lord raise up a church-based discipleship ministry that intentionally and relationally wins, trains and sends out committed Christ followers throughout the world. In the last five years more that 150,000 Ukrainians alone have moved into the city of Wroclaw. There are people from six continents and 32 countries INCW already attending this young fellowship.
Mission: Camino Global (formerly CAM Int’l)
Professor of Theological Education
Bob and Shirley have four children and eight grandchildren. In 1965 they were accepted as missionaries to Argentina. They did church planting their first term, and the second teaching in a Bible School. After returning to North America for seminary training Bob was asked to teach in a seminary in Bolivia, and then later at the Rio Grande Bible Institute. Since 1998 he has taught at the seminary (SETECA) in Guatemala City. Bob’s main ministry has been teaching. He currently teaches and mentors master’s and doctoral students, in the area of education, leadership and administration. He teaches both in residence and internet-based courses, and has students from Argentina to Canada, as well as Spain in his classes. Shirley travels with Bob and gets involved in projects for the needy folks in Guatemala. They have assisted and provided for many an American and others who traveled to Guatemala and found themselves in unfortunate circumstances.
Mission: AWANA
Missionaries in Montana & Northern Wyoming
Jeff and Shelly work with churches to increase their burden for and effectiveness in children’s ministries. We come alongside those churches to establish a strong children’s ministry that is evangelistic and discipleship oriented. A big part of their job is providing training to adult leaders. Jeff and Shelly strive to reach boys and girls with the Gospel of Christ and train them to serve Him. They have many opportunities to share the Gospel, not only with those boys and girls, but with their parents as well. We work to help churches find children’s ministry that works for them. They have seven children, four sons-in-law, and seven grandchildren. Jeff & Shelly have been AWANA Missionaries since October 1, 1993.
Pastor and Rural Missionaries
Blackfoot Valley Bible Church
Art and Connie came to Blackfoot Valley Bible Church in 1998. Art is not only the Pastor but is very active in the community and school. Connie does private teaching in Science and Math. Art has taught expository preaching and inductive Bible study to Pastors in Cuba in 2002 and in Siberia in 2011. Connie teaches inductive Bible study to ladies and has been the speaker at some Christian Ladies’ Conferences.
Mission: Reaching & Teaching
Missionaries to Poland
After twelve years in pastoral ministry and many short-term mission trips overseas, Tanner and Brooke are more convinced than ever that the great commission advances through local churches sending out ambassadors to make disciples and gather them into churches “for the sake of His name.” Their family will labor to bring the true gospel to the people of Poland, plant and strengthen local churches, and train national pastors. They hope to help provide church-centric theological training for pastors while Tanner pastors an international church with the goal of it reaching a place of health, maturity, and reproduction.
Tanner and Brooke have four kids, Harmony, Meg, Timothy and Isabelle. They are being sent out by their loving body, Emmanuel Bible Church, in Great Falls, Montana, where Tanner previously served on the pastoral staff.
Mission: CrossWorld
Missionaries to Indonesia
Dave and Esther had two children, David & Dawn. David died in a car accident when he was 17 years old. They were accepted as missionaries with Unevangelized Fields Mission (now CrossWorld) in July,1959 and started working with the Dani tribe in Irian Jaya (now Papua). They have worked with the Dani people from that time till the present. Dave spearheaded and participated in the Bible being translated into the Dani language. He and Esther are living in North Carolina but as a senior missionary he still goes back every year to encourage and teach hundreds of pastors. Dave has written two books chronicling his and Esther’s experiences on the mission field: “The Amazing Danis” and “Out of the Dark Triangle.” Both are available on Amazon.com, but if you wish to buy them in lots of 10 or more, you may order them from Dave Scovill at 109 Wild Goose Rd, Blythewood, SC 29016. Any profits realized in the sale of the book go toward the work of the Dani church in Papua, Indonisia.
Equipping Hour: 9:00am-10:00am
Worship: 10:30pm – 12:00pm
Emmanuel Bible Church
3400 11th Ave S
Great Falls, MT 59405
Map & Directions
Mon-Tue 9:00am-1:00pm
Wed 9:00am-3:00pm
Wed-Fri 12:00pm – 4:00pm
Contact Info