At Emmanuel Bible Church we desire to do ministry to the glory of God by developing and committing ourselves to a philosophy of ministry (Our Core Values) that is both fundamentally strategic and thoroughly biblical.
A philosophy of ministry (Our Core Values) is a set of non-negotiable biblical principles that guides all choices and decisions in our ministry. These principles are drawn from a careful investigation of both the explicit teaching of Scripture and the implicit methodologies gleaned from seeing how ministry occurred in the early church. Simply put, Our Core Values help us to know why we do what we do and how to actually do it. They provide the framework or skeletal structure against which all that we do can be measured.
Note: A failure to have a high view of God leads to:
Result: The church reflects man-centered ministry that attempts to please peers rather than glorify God.
Questions to consider:
Mankind is totally depraved:
Man was created to glorify God, but because of sin, he seeks to glorify himself (Romans 3:23)
Note: A sinner is alienated from God, and as a result, he will seek fulfillment from the world’s evil system (1 John 2:15-17).
The implications are disturbing:
Result: The church produces people who make choices to solve their life’s problems based on what they believe will practically meet their perceived needs.
Questions to consider:
This will lead to a commitment to the teachings of Scripture (i.e. sound doctrine).
Note: A failure to recognize a High view of God’s word leads to:
Result: the church produces people who pursue their own desires based upon an ungodly standard.
Note: A failure to correctly understand the purpose of the church leads to superficial and counterfeit ministry, resulting in disunity, and “program success” is glorified rather than God. People become passive spectators rather than active participants. Leadership is forced to spin all the plates to keep the programs functioning.
Result: The church becomes an organization, run by men and programs, rather than an organism of committed believers empowered by the Spirit of God.
Questions to ponder:
Note: A failure to correctly understand biblical leadership leads to unbiblical discipleship and modeling and skewed priorities.
A lack of biblical priorities leads to ministry in sin with a focus on skills or ability rather than godly character. This can lead to disqualifying sins.
Lack of adequate equipping for the task leads to frustration, which can produce a high turnover of lay leadership.
Lack of adequate equipping leads to the failure to reproduce oneself in ministry, which results in the few “faithful” doing all the work.
A well-articulated philosophy of ministry (Our Core Values) that is biblical is essential to “doing ministry God’s way.” This is the grid through which all our ministry decisions are passed.
Equipping Hour: 9:00am-10:00am
Worship: 10:30pm – 12:00pm
Emmanuel Bible Church
3400 11th Ave S
Great Falls, MT 59405
Map & Directions
Mon-Tue 9:00am-1:00pm
Wed 9:00am-3:00pm
Wed-Fri 12:00pm – 4:00pm
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